Living on Campus
Residence Halls
Your residence hall becomes a home away from home as you spend time with friends, study for exams, or take part in Checkmates and weekly devotions.
With only two students per room, you have personal space while learning to appreciate and function within the diverse body of Christ. Each residence hall has a Head Resident Assistant and each floor has at least one Resident Assistant to assist in a variety of campus life needs.
Des Plaines Hall

Establish friendships and memories to last a lifetime. With only two ladies per room, Des Plaines Hall allows both students to have their own desk, dresser, closet, and single bed, with the added convenience of a sink in each room. Each floor shares a community bathroom. Free laundry facilities are located on the first floor.
McCarrell Hall

Each male student residing here has his own closet, dresser, desk, and single bed. With only one roommate, you have plenty of space for both studies and fun. Free laundry facilities are available on the first floor.
Hoops Hall

As the newest residence hall, Hoops Hall has separate floors for men and women. With plenty of storage space, beautiful oak furnishings, two sinks per room, and air conditioning, you'll feel like you're in a hotel instead of a dorm. Each floor has a student lounge and free laundry facilities.
Note: Hoops Hall residents pay an additional fee.
Married Student Housing
Appalachian Village

Our campus is blessed with exceptional married student housing. Through a generous gift twenty-four 3-bedroom, 2-bath, 1,300 square foot townhouses were built on campus and later four 5-bedroom, 3-bath units were added. This community, called "Appalachian Village" is a wonderful place of bonding, encouragement, and friendship for students who come to school as a married couple or with children. The rental cost is modest compared to other apartments in the area and the benefits of being right on campus with other married couples is enormous. View the handbook for Appalachian Village tenants.
The "Student Wives Fellowship" provides an opportunity for involvement in activities and sharing of resources between families. From regular meetings, to prayer chains and banquets, this ministry assists in the transition to life as a student family at ABC and offers valuable help that enables students to complete their education.
The College also has events that include the whole family in our campus life. The Student Services office organizes recreational outings that allow students and families to mix together. Students love the children of our married couples and often become surrogate "family members." The married students in turn benefit the students by hosting them for home-cooked meals or a TV night in their living rooms. The intercollegiate athletic events, concerts, banquets, Alpine programs, and the events designed for children during Homecoming are just a few of the opportunities for the entire family to benefit from life here at ABC and interact with the students. The many homeschool resources in the area and on campus make ABC a welcoming place for those who school their children at home.
Local Community

Some married students also live in the community and commute to ABC.