Appalachian Bible Fellowship

From its inception, Appalachian Bible College has existed to serve the Church both on a local and a global scale. Part of this commitment to the Church involves accountability, support, and prayer for our faculty and staff who serve as missionaries through ABF, Appalachian Bible Fellowship, the independent mission agency through which ABC and Alpine Ministries operate. The missionary status of our staff and faculty keeps the connection between ABC and the Church vibrant as churches and individuals join with us in the task of training young people for a lifetime of gospel-centered ministry.
Will you consider partnering with our missionaries as they devote themselves to teaching the Word and spreading the gospel?
Support ABF MissionariesMeet the ABF Missionaries
If you would like more information on ABF or how you can partner with our missionaries, please contact our Development Office by email or by phone at 800-678-9222 ext. 302.